It's all about the efficiency
Blast Preheater
Gas fired blast preheaters from Kuttner North America offer proven performance for increased operational efficiency. Kuttner’s system combines the benefit of the price difference between natural gas and coke with an efficiency of up to 80% for preheating of blast air.

High Efficiency Heat Exchangers
The new generation of blast air preheaters will provide an efficiency of up to 80%. This will guarantee a fast return of investment. In prior projects, ROI times of one year or less have been achieved.
The forecasted price for natural gas is predicted to stay stable for the next 20 years. A short ROI together with relatively low-cost natural gas allows for long term operational cost savings. The benefits of heating up your blast air don’t stop with increased operational efficiency. It can mean reducing CO2 discharge plant wide, due to the fact that with the same amount of energy, a much lower amount of CO2 is generated using natural gas. Together with the much lower CO2 footprint of the overall cupola operation, this system prepares you for the upcoming environmental challenges for foundry operations.
Our technology is embraced around the world, setting the standard in hot blast air systems. No other design offers all of these features to enhance your operation:
Blast air temperatures up to 1,150° F
Coke savings of up to 15%
No tube cleaning necessary due to “clean” combustion of natural gas to H2O and CO2
Stable cupola operations much less affected by wet coke
Compact design and footprint for implementation into narrow spaces of existing melt centers
Higher production rate than with cold blast
Very precise predictions for cupola operations
Modular design for future upgrade flexibility
Easy access to key equipment for ease of maintenance

We offer the complete package: engineering, technical support, parts, and service together with core equipment designed and made in Germany.
Contact us to learn more about this system, our full range of capabilities, and how we can help you reduce your energy and operating costs.
Be Less Dependent on High Coke Prices and Variable Quality
The cost of coke is a world market price due to the transportability of this bulk material. A high part of this price is, therefore, affected by global demand, transport, and quality of foundry coke.
The natural gas price is a local market price. Especially in North America with new methodologies of obtaining natural gas, this price is forecasted to be reasonably stable for the next two decades.
The idea of replacing coke with natural gas directly in the cupola is not unknown but it enhances the generation of H2O, and in a former stage H2, can cause further problems downstream of the cupola.
The idea of preheating the blast air with natural gas is not new to the industry, but the newly reached high efficiency of our heat exchangers will make the difference.
It is the combination of these items that make Kuttner’s gas fired preheaters the world leading solution for sustained success of the cupola.